Tablecloth for utility table
I have been in the mood for sewing anything and I mean anything. If you sew, you'll know exactly what I mean. It is like having an addiction and you live on the edge with the jitters that won't let you relax until you get your injection, or a fix. Ahhhh, finally what a relief to cut that fabric out and put it back together again with a different shape and form.
I love the sound of my sewing machine. It is like having my own personal sports car, and boy can it run. I start my machine up, the headlights come on, the motor revs up, (vroom vroom). I adjust my seat, (no seat belts). The flag is lower, (oops I meant the foot is lower). I step on the pedal and forward I go. I shift and maneuver the cloth around the corners and curves being careful not to go over the edge. If you are sewing with silks, slow down, (slippery road). Weeee what a ride!
A few months ago I ordered online a new accessory for my sewing machine. It is a pleating and ruffling foot. What a contraction! It intimated me so I stored it away, (out of site and out of mind).
But oops, that little foot kept popping up each time I opened the drawer in my sewing cabinet. So I was feeling guilty about spending the money on this gadget, and I needed an excuse to use it. So that is when the idea of the tablecloth for the ugly utility table came into play.
I have to say: It turned out cute. The fabric has an owl theme, cheerful and whimsical. I found a matching green fabric for the ruffle skirt. I trimmed it with a pink poke a dot ribbon which my niece had given me and whoa.... I finished in first place. Ha Ha
Now that it is winter here in Florida, (temperatures in the low 70's). We can take advantage of the screen porch. We can actually sit and eat outside without being scorched.
Completed tablecloth |
Ugly utility table |
Using the new ruffle foot |
Nice pleats |
Rounding the corners off |
Trim off excessive corner |
Attach the ribbon |